Other than the delightful hour and a half I spent shelling english peas, this soup was super fast and easy (and, seriously, the hour and a half shelling peas was delightful - I spent it watching tv).
First, I shelled peas.
After shelling the peas, I blanched them, plunged them in cold water, dried them, them put the food processor.

Then I pushed the puree through a tamis, added some stock, seasoned, blended some more.. and it was ready!

I also made parm crisps while I was blanching the peas - which I have pictures of from the first time I made them. Except this time I didn't have to shove them in egg crates, so they were a lot quicker.
This was so easy to make that I was actually able to set the cups out for the soup, set the table, pour glasses of wine - it took way less than the hour I set aside. Probably the first thing ever that took LESS time than I thought.
(this is what we call a leeeetle back-focused.. but the color is pretty cool, right?)
The soup was nice and stable, too, so I was able to leave it over low heat on the oven until my guests arrived. Right before serving, I stirred in the truffle oil, and covered with the parm lid.
It was pretty
Specialty Produce - english peas
Venissimo Cheese - super delicious parm
Whole Foods - truffle oil
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